Our Own Massachusetts Tree Farm
Supplying Contractors and Homeowners alike with a wide variety of shade, ornamental and evergreen trees.
Green Giant and Dark American Arborvitae, Red and Sugar Maple, 'Heritage' River Birch, Dwarf River Birch, White Pine, Redbud, Canadian Hemlock, Crabapple, Kousa Dogwood, Flowering Plum, Tree Lilac, Flowering Flowering Cherry, Weeping Cherry, Red Oak, Rose of Sharon, Serbian Spruce, Concolor Fir, Douglas Fir, European Hornbeam, Japanese Maple, Blue Point Juniper, Hophornbeam, Ironwood, Fraser Fir, White Fir, Serviceberry (Shad), Honeylocust, Pear, Little Leaf Linden and Zelkova
Large quantities of trees can be shipped directly from the farm and can be reserved prior to digging!
Click Here to Learn More About What We Grow at Our Farm
